Friday, July 22, 2005

Dealing with conflict

Stephen at Emergesque has some incredible wisdom when it comes to dealing with conflict. He is speaking specifically of our tendency to divide into "political parties" even within Christianity. He writes...

"Sometimes conflict is unavoidable and sometimes, even, one should intentionally take actions that can reasonably be predicted to be controversial. But many,many times, different perspectives debilitate into conflicting egos. That - in my opinion - is what can make party so horrible and dangerous to both community and truth.

There is only one antidote: humility. This expresses itself

- by focusing on the substance of what's being said and setting aside ego and party.
- by provisionally and hypothetically assuming the other person is completely correct
- by evaluating that hypothesis
- by sifting out what is true and either embrace it enthusiastically or if necessary - to refute or, in many cases, both! Many times wholesale rejection of a point of view is inappropriate. Surely something of worth is being said."

Thanks Stephen for what you have shared. I have found it to be true in my own experience as I've watched myself enter conflict with a desire for vindication rather than a sense of humility seeking the health of the body of Christ.

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