Friday, September 03, 2004

Acts 2:42 and what the church should look like.

In a very inspiring article from the archives of Next-Wave, Mike Bishop writes, "For the past few years I've been captured by the idea that the Gospel is an invitation into a new way of life - something God-shaped, kingdom oriented. This is what it means to become a follower of Jesus, to “repent and believe the good news” that the kingdom of God is near. Being renewed from the inside that transforms outward conduct, taking on a new character…a new lifestyle, with a new Master. Meditating on this process - a journey in which I've embarked - has produced in me the beginnings of awareness. Seeing and hearing what the Father is doing. Tending the good soil. Everything around me, every passing moment is shaping me. I am recognizing how the Spirit is forming me and those around that he is calling."

Bishop encapsulates a vision for church that is not confined to the four walls of a building, but one that is alive in the day to day life of every believer. Take a look at this article.

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