Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Word Creation Wednesday...

This week's word speaks to the changing face of "normal" in our world.
"Surreality" - The state whereby something surreal (like school and church shootings, homelessness and hunger in a world whose wealthiest societies have enough to solve the problem, and the defining of success by the financial statement) seems to become the norm. It has drastic consequences such as increased self-centeredness, depression, and despair which in turn tend to exacerbate the problem. This condition can only be corrected by opening our eyes to how abnormal our world really is and surrendering our lives to God's "normal". We were made for more than this.
There is a normal that is real and not surreal, where we love and forgive, where people are more important than what they can give you, and where turning the other cheek is actually a way of life. A normal where people are loved because God loves them, not because they do something for us. A normal where we want God to bless America...and the rest of the world too - even our enemies - even those of a different political party or ideology. Jesus calls us to His normal. But then again, they killed Him. His normal is not for the faint of heart.

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