Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just wondering...

...why it is that I can be given 6 months to complete a Distance Ed course from my Seminary and can't seem to get started until I have 6 weeks left? Any ideas...except for the fact that I am lazy procrastinator?


Anonymous said...

and why has it taken me almost four years to write my grad essay when it was due in august of 2005? I'll buy you a fair trade coffee if you can tell me the answer to that (besides the fact that I'm a lazy procrastinator myself)!

Jeff Kuhn said...

I'm with you Paul...I feel your pain. I am comforted that education is so much more than formal coursework. For what it's worth, I think you more than surpassed your grad essay through the experiences of your past 4 years...and I'll take you up on that coffee next time I am in the neighborhood...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kuhner. Call me anytime (c) 604.835.8982