Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I'm 85% linker and 15% thinker.

Rudy points us to an article in Forbes magazine about blogging. It clarified to me why I blog the way I blog. The article states...

Former blogger Steven den Beste made the distinction between “thinkers,” who post primarily their own thoughts, and “linkers,” who mostly direct readers to other sources. If thinkers are sources, linkers are what journalists call “editors.” Readers gravitate to these sites for the same reason people have favorite magazines–because they share the editor’s interests, sensibility and point of view. That’s how Glenn Reynolds, a little-known University of Tennessee law professor, turned Instapundit.com into a destination with more than 100,000 visitors a day.

No doubt about it, I'm predominantly a "linker" who throws in an ocassional "think".

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