Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Defining "Kingdom of God"

Scot McKnight of Jesus Creed does an excellent job at defining this rather nebulous thing that Jesus called "The Kingdom Of God"

The Kingdom of God is the society where the will of God, as taught by Jesus, is done. And that Kingdom is a redemptive work in the triune God designed to restore humans to union with God and communion with one another, for the good of others and the world. Nothing less will do.


Bob Robinson said...

Isn't it a shame that the concept of the "Kingdom of God" is so nebulous to this generation of Christians?
It does seem to be the central teaching of Jesus Christ Himself!
What can we do as the next generation of Christians to correct this?!?

Jeff Kuhn said...

I agree Bob. I can't beleive that I became a Christian 30 years ago and am just realizing the need for a Kingdom focus. One of the things I want to do is to help people to see the Kingdom through the use of metaphors and similes. Jesus was always saying, "The Kingdom of heaven is like..." Thanks for your input. What are your ideas?

Bob Robinson said...

I'm working through this myself.

The ministry in which I'm a leader (CCO) intentionally makes the Kingdom the center of the gospel.

Check out my blog's initial statements on The Kingdom--

Kingdom of God: Victory and Liberation

The Kingdom of God: The Christian’s Participation in the Battle of “Empires”

I plan on thinking through this a lot in the future and writing a lot. Influences on my project will be: Scot McKnight, Walter Bruegemann, Ron Sider, Cornelius Plantiga, Michael Wittmer, NT Wright, GE Ladd, Dallas Willard.

I'll be looking for dialogue-mates on it!!

With Scot's permission, I made a pdf of his Kingdom series--it is found at my website here.