Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Simplicity of Spirituality

I've been thinking alot lately about the spiritual nature of small everyday acts. We often want to do some great and momentous task for God, almost as if we are seeking the "fast track" to Christlikeness. But the reality is that instead of showing us a spiritual "project", God calls us to live our lives as spiritual acts of worship. (Rom. 12:1) The smallest task done for Christ can reap the greatest spiritual reward. What was it that Mother Theresa said?

"We can do no great things alone. We can only do small things with great love."

I also found this quote by Jacques Maritain on the Bruderhof daily dig. He writes,

"Christianity has all too often meant withdrawal and the unwillingness to share the common suffering of humankind. But the world has rightly risen in protest against such piety... The care of another - even material, bodily care - is spiritual in essence. Bread for myself is a material question; bread for my neighbor is a spiritual one."

Jesus call is to serve and love and give to others as a way of serving, loving, and giving to Him. The spirituality of the everyday is a life lived as if everyone around us was Jesus. Simple, but not easy.

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