Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Word Creation Wednesday

As you know if you read the last post my PC has passed on. My wife in her loving generosity ordered me a new MacBook which should be arriving next Monday. In the meanwhile I am manipulating my stuff to try to lift it from the dead computer and have it organized for the new computer. It's a huge amount of work and I have been reflecting on how technology often takes as much as it gives. Thus the word for this week...
"digibilitation" - The ironic yet powerful debilitating effect caused by an over-dependence upon technology. While it is clear that we need to be fluent in the language of our digital world, the power of technology to change and enslave us is often minimized or underestimated.
Several years ago I wrote this in an attempt to express the same idea...
We make things then they make us
All our tools will one day be
The hammers and the chisels
That give shape to you and me

So beware the innovation
For which the masses stand in line
Progress is a word
That takes a long time to define
That being said, I can't wait to get my MacBook. 

Sometimes life is complicated...

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