Wednesday, August 25, 2004

My wife prays honest prayers...

One of our friends is very sick. She may die. She's a new Christian. Her husband is not. Our greatest fear is that if she dies her husband will be angry with God forever. As my wife prayed for her last night she said, "God, do something miraculous, something that makes you look nice." We all want God to look nice. We want Him to do things that make others like Him. But often He doesn't come across as nice. He's confusing. He's scary. He's appears inconsiderate and harsh. And He sometimes insists on doing things that seem perfectly designed to drive people away. It's moments like these that make you understand a bit more of what it means to "put your trust in Jesus". It's not some sinner's prayer that gives you a ticket to heaven when you die. It's giving your life over to Jesus. Trusting Him even when He doesn't look "nice". Pray for our friend. And pray for us. We want to live lives of trust.

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